Wednesday, December 26, 2012

January Craft Night: Snowflake Blocks

January Craft Night: Snowflake blocks. Perfect craft for a day like today!  These are made with our creation cubes which are preassembled chipboard blocks.  They measure 3x3x3 inches. 

Date: Friday January 11th

Time: 7:00 PM

Place: My Home

Cost: There are three cost options.

OPTION 1: Supplies only will cost $18.00. 

OPTION 2: If you would like the Whoo’s Your Valentine Kit (go HERE to see kit)  I’ve made it easy for you to do by putting a package together that includes the products to make the snowflake blocks craft.  This package includes 3 cubes, sponge daubers, sparkles, slate ribbon, silver shimmer ribbon, slate ink, liquid glass, and Whoo’s Your Valentine Kit (items can be substitute for other items, ask me for some suggestions).  Total cost is $60.64.  All B&T papers, cardstock and Cricut cut shapes are FREE!

OPTION 3: Same as Option 2 but adding January’s Stamp Of The Month at the discounted price of $5.00! Total cost for this option is $67.39

   *If substituting products total cost may be different*

ORDER AND PREPAY BY WEDNESDAY JANUARY 2nd!  Crafters Club Members, Option 2 & 3 can count as your monthly order.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Tree Card

Sorry this image is sideways.  I'll see if I can fix it, but I wanted to get this posted before Christmas for those that needed a last minute idea.  I was inspired by one of my cute customers and card swappers Ann.  See her original creation HERE.  This card was so easy and used up some of my scraps!

I used Pear & Partridge paper packet.  I distressed all the edges using CTMH's distressing inks in chocolate.  I cut the star using the Art Philosophy Cricut cartridge and Creme Brulee cardstock.  Tied a bow with natural hemp and added pewter brads to the edges.

I hope everyone has a wonderful and happy holiday!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas Creations 2012

I made these three items to give out as gifts this year. 

The snowman is a Symphony bar wrapped in white cardstock.  I cut the eyes and nose using my cricut and the Art Philosophy Cartridge.   I used the CTMH chalk marker for the eyes.  I used a black marker for the smile and then sponged a little blush ink on the cheeks.   I found the hats at Tai Pan last year on clearance.  The scarf is just fabric scraps.

Hot Chocolate Card: When I saw the October stamp of the month I thought of this idea.  I used Desert Sand Cardstock for the base cut at 9 1/2 x 4 inches.  I then scored it at 3 1/2 and at 4 inches.  I used the Pear & Partridge paper packet for the patterned papers.  The mittens are cut using the Cricut and the Artiste Cartridge and stamped with New England Ivy Ink.  I tied a bow with hemp and created the pocket for the hot chocolate using pewter brads.

The last gift I made was super easy, but always gets rave reviews.  I cover Hershey Nuggets with patterned paper and put in a bag.  I like to tie a tag or small trinket with tulle. 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

December Card/Tag Swap

Ladies, you never disappoint!  Awesome cards and tags for December.  Loved all the glitter!  We'll be taking a little break for January and starting to swap again in February. 

Friday, December 7, 2012

A Year In Review

Have I mentioned lately how much I love Studio J?  No?  Well let me say it again, I LOVE STUDIO J!  Since having a baby a month ago, life has been crazy!  Every year we do a layout for my Mom.  A year in review for our family.  I've been a little overwhelmed and didn't know if I would get it done in time. 

I had a precious few minutes while baby napped so I hurried and downloaded my pictures into Studio J.  A day later I had another few minutes so I placed all my pictures on the predone layout (I forget the correct name of the collection at the moment) while supervising homework of my oldest child.  Multitasking at it's finest!  Journal was a cinch, clicked order, and it will arrive tomorrow!  Christmas has been saved!